supply and distribute small livestock for selected SMART Project beneficiaries in the Districts of Kayonza and Rutsiro at DUHAMIC-ADRI
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Tender to supply and distribute small livestock for selected SMART Project beneficiaries in the Districts of Kayonza and Rutsiro
The deadline for submission of bids: Wednesday 29/03/2023 at 2:00 p.m
Through the partnership between WFP and DUHAMIC-ADRI to implement the “Sustainable Market Alliance and Asset Creation for Resilient Communities and Gender Transformation/SMART Project”, DUHAMIC-ADRI would like to invite competent and qualified companies operating in Rwanda in the sector of supplying and distributing of improved small livestock for rearing purpose.

All interested bidders are allowed to bid for one or two separate lots as follows :
Lot 1: Supply and distribute 80 goats (Does/female goats) in Murama Sector Kayonza District;
Lot 2: Supply and distribute 7 goats (Does/female goats), 9 pigs (Sows/female pigs), and 65 sheep (Ewes/female sheep) in Ruhango sector of Rutsiro District.

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All small livestock to be distributed should be ready for reproduction in a short period after their distribution.
The following table contains the technical specifications for small livestock to be kept:
Type of animal Age in months Approximate Weight in Kg Race Provenance
Goat/Doe Between 7 and 10 months 30-40 Kg Local breed Kayonza for Lot 1 and Rutsiro for Lot 2 or neighboring districts for each specific lot.
Pig/Sow Between 6 and 9 months 40-50 Kg Crossbred Large white and Landrace Rutsiro or neighboring District for Lot 2
Sheep/Ewe Between 7 and 10 months 30-40 Kg Merinos breed Rutsiro or neighboring District for Lot 2
Interested bidders will submit their offers in the respect of the following bidding requirements/Conditions:
1. This tender is open for specialized companies in the field of supplying small livestock for production;
2. The bidder must provide the quotations and application letter accompanied by a copy of the company registration Certificate and proof to avail of the electronically generated bill (EBM) for the payment;
3. The application letter must be addressed to the Executive Secretary of DUHAMIC-ADRI ;
4. The financial quotations shall include transport costs and other related charges including applicable taxes;
5. The bidder shall be ready to distribute all small livestock in respect of the given technical specifications;
6. Before, the reception, the physical verification of supplied animals will be done by DUHAMIC-ADRI staff in collaboration with Sector Veterinaries;
7. The supplied small livestock which does not comply with the technical specifications will not be accepted and received. The supplier will be requested to replace them before payment.

Notice : The interested bidder have to present their offer separately for each lot using the following template :
• Financial offer for Lot 1 (Kayonza District) :
Type of animal Number of animal to be supplied and Distributed Race Unit cost (Rwf) Total estimated budget
Goat/Doe 80 Local breed
Total cost (including transport and taxes)
• Financial offer for Lot 2 (Rutsiro District) :
Type of animal Number of animal to be supplied and Distributed Race Unit cost (Rwf) Total Cost (Rwf)
Goat/Doe 7 Local breed
Pig/Sow 9 Crossbred Large white and Landrace
Sheep/Ewe 65 Merinos breed
Total cost (including transport and taxes)
Submission Procedure
The interested bidders will submit physically (in hard copies) their offers well-aligned with the above tender requirements/conditions by Wednesday, 29th March 2023 at 2:00 PM at DUHAMIC-ADRI Head Office located in Kicukiro District. The public opening session is planned for the same day at 2:15 PM in the same offices.
Done at Kigali, 23rd March 2023
Executive Secretary of DUHAMIC-ADRI
Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 29 March 2023
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 27-03-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 27-03-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 27-03-2056
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