Technical Assistance for the Construction Component of the AFTER 2 and TDT Projects job at Expertise France
100 Days Ago
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General information

Assignment name

Technical Assistance for the construction component of the AFTER 2 and TDT projects


Rwanda Polytechnic (RP) and Rwanda TVET Board (RTB)



Total estimated number of days

565 days

Context and justification of the need

Rwanda Polytechnic and Rwanda TVET board have received funds from the French Development Agency (AFD) to support the development of vocational training by financing the second phase of its AFTER (Appui à la Formation Technique et à l’Emploi au Rwanda) project in the Nyamagabe and Karongi districts, through a loan and a grant. The envisaged AFTER II project consists of 4 main components and 2 cross-cutting components:

  1. Component 1:The RP Kitabi and Karongi colleges and TVET schools of Cyanika and Muhororo campuses are expanded, modernised and environmentally friendly (out of the TA scope)
  2. Component 2:The training offer in the RP Kitabi and Karongi colleges and TVET schools of Cyanika and Muhororo is strengthened and more attractive.
  3. Component 3:The link between TVET providers and the private sector is strengthened, and employment and entrepreneurship support mechanisms are more efficient.
  4. Component 4:The quality and leadership of RP and RTB as institutions in the TVET sector are reinforced.
  5. Cross-cutting component 5:The TVET programs are more gender responsive and inclusive and specifically address dropouts of the general education.
  6. Cross-cutting component 6:Greening TVET – TVET programs provide youth with green skills and competencies for sustainable economic growth.

Rwanda Polytechnic has also received additional funds for the TDT project (TVET Development for Transformation) to develop a new project that will support the development of Student Housings on the campus of RP Kigali and Gishari colleges, alongside other activities to support RP’s institution in their approach to integrating gender and on reinforcing their institutional communication. This project is expected to start in January 2025.

Expertise France, French public agency for technical cooperation, has been contracted to support the two institutions in providing the technical assistance on both projects. Expertise France intends to recruit a technical assistant specialized in construction management to support the implementation of component 1 for the rehabilitation, expansion, and equipment of RP Karongi and Kitabi colleges and for Muhororo and Cyanika TVET Schools on AFTER 2, and of Component 1 for the building of Student Housing in RP Kigali and Gishari colleges on TDT.

The implementation of AFTER 2 by RP SPIU (Single Project Implementation Unit) and RTB SPIU started in March 2023 and will last until February 2028, the budget of AFTER 2 project – Component 1 is estimated to be 32M€.

The implementation of TDT by RP SPIU is expected to start in January 2025 and last until December 2029, with an estimated budget for infrastructure of 25M€.

At this stage of the project the project briefs, masterplans, environmental and social studies (ESMF, ESIA & ESMPs) have been worked on and validated for AFTER 2. RP and RTB are currently recruiting design consultants for the expansion of the campuses.

On the TDT project, a full feasibility study was conducted, and the process to recruit design firms will be started in the coming months.

Construction stage stakeholder

During the construction stage it is envisioned that:

  • The Contractor will execute the works.
  • The Supervision consultant will supervise the works.
  • The Construction Specialists of each SPIU will manage the contract of the contractor and supervision consultant.
  • The Construction Management TA will assist the SPIUs by working with the Construction specialists of the SPIUs who will be serving as contract managers.

Transversal Construction management TA for RP and RTB SPIUs

The technical assistance will support both RP and RTB to ensure harmonization of the component 1 activities of the AFTER II project between the two Project Owners. 

Level of effort estimated for the Construction management TA  

  • The Technical assistance will be intermittent depending on the progress and milestones of the project. Joint-site missions will be required, especially during the construction stage.
  • The consultant shall be based in Rwanda during the construction stage.

Objectives and desired results

The recruited construction management TA will be in charge of the following tasks:

General tasks

  • Support the implementation of all activities of Component 1 of AFTER 2 project (32M€) and Component 1 of TDT project (25M€)
  • Technical assistance to RP and RTB SPIUs project staff regarding the objectives of components 1

Technical support

  • Design stage: Support RP and RTB SPIU construction specialists to review the deliverables of the design consultant (Concept, Schematic and Detailed design) to ensure standards of quality are aligned with the project documents (ToR, project briefs, masterplans)
  • Procurement stage: Support RP and RTB SPIU Procurement Specialists to draft and review the tender documents based on AFD standard document and compliant with Rwandan law and AFD guidelines: Bid for works, RFP for supervision, bid for goods or supplies (furniture and equipment)
  • Construction stage: Provide technical assistance to the SPIUs of RP and RTB on the Contract management during the construction phase.
  • Technical assistance on project management to ensure an efficient implementation of the project (tools such as general project schedule, contract management, preparation template document for Service Orders (SO), validation, etc.) based on the needs of the SPIUs.

Capacity building

Provide capacity building to: 

  • The construction specialists recruited by the SPIUs on construction project management. 
  • The procuring entity regarding AFD guidelines and AFD ESHS requirements. 

Non objection assistance

  • Review documents prepared by the SPIUs to facilitate obtaining the Non-Objection Noticesfrom the funder.

Description of the assignment

Positioning of the construction management TA

The recruited construction management TA will closely work with SPIU staff in charge of component 1:

  • RP & RTB SPIUs program managers
  • RP & RTB SPIUs construction specialists
  • RP & RTB SPIUs procurement specialists
  • RP & RTB SPIUs Environment and Social Safeguards Specialist
  • RP & RTB SPIUs M&E Specialist

The recruited construction management TA will work with RTB and RP and coordinate with the Expertise France team regarding cross cutting activities such as: support to RP and RTB in the definition of the list of heavy equipment for the workshops, reporting, preparation of documentations for technical and steering committee, etc.

Depending on the need, the recruited construction management TA will participate in the meetings regarding the Component 1 with the funder.

  • Planned activities

Activity A: Support at design stage 

RP had recruited 2 design firms for AFTER 2: one for RP Karongi college and one for RP Kitabi college. RTB is in the process of recruiting 1 design firm for both Cyanika and Muhororo TVET Schools.

The TA will support the SPIUs in the process of validating the design studies.

As such, the consultant will carry out the following tasks:

  • Support RP and RTB to review the six (6) projects at each design stage (Concept Design, Preliminary Design, Detailed Design) based on the ToR of the design consultants, validated project briefs and masterplans.
  • Support RP and RTB in the verification of completeness, consistency, clarityand compliance with basic rules of the art and the level of details expected to guarantee the quality and reliability of each design stage.
  • Support RP andRTB to highlight areas that need improvements, and/or points for attention, where appropriate.
  • Support RP and RTBto Provide a schedule of comments organized by lots (Architectural, Structural, Civil, MEP etc.) for the design team to answer point by point to ease the follow up of the comments.
  • Support RP and RTBin Verification of the revised files to ensure the comments were taken into consideration.

The list of documents to be checked is included in the ToRs for the design consultants. Nevertheless, the main documents to be checked are listed below.

The review of the concept design will include a verification of the following elements:

  • Site plans concept compared to masterplans,
  • Architectural concept design for new construction & rehabilitation based on the principles set out in the project briefs, consistency of main flows analysis, consistent environmental sustainability strategy,
  • Relevant structural schematic principles based on the context,
  • Verification of the program area in the project,
  • Verification of the costing methodology.

The review for preliminary design will include:

  • The consistency of the assessment report,
  • Topographic survey,
  • As built utilities drawing,
  • Geotechnical investigation and furniture brief.

Consistency of the site plan compared to the masterplan, relevant Plans/elevation/section for a schematic design for all lots (architectural, civil, structural, building services). Verification of Costing methodology: checking unit prices that have an impact on the overall budget, quantities calculations, etc. Relevancy of the Schedule for work.

The review for the detailed design and construction documents will include:

  • Site plan,
  • Plans/elevation/ sections at construction documents stage,
  • Detailed design report for all lots (architectural, civil, structural, building services),
  • Technical Specifications,
  • ESHS final report,
  • Work Schedule,
  • Cost

Support RP and RTB to review the final BOQs (quantities and unit price)

The consultant will support the SPIU in the contract management of the design team by providing project management monitoring tools such as schedule of activities and definition of deadlines and milestones to be anticipated, etc. The consultant will support the SPIU and EF for the drafting of semi-annual progress reports for Component 1



End date



Project management tool box



Note on Concept design for RP Karongi college

Delivery of CD + 7 days


Note on Concept design for RP Kitabi college

Delivery of CD + 7 days


Note on Concept design for Muhororo and Cyanika TVET Schools

Delivery of CD + 7 days


Note on Preliminary Design for RP Karongi college

Delivery of SD + 15 days


Note on Preliminary Design for RP Kitabi college

Delivery of SD + 15 days


Note on Preliminary Design for Muhororo and Cyanika TVET Schools

Delivery of SD + 15 days


Note on Detailed Design for RP Karongi college

Delivery of DD + 15 days


Note on Detailed Design for RP Kitabi college

Delivery of DD + 15 days


Note on Detailed Design for Muhororo and Cyanika TVET Schools

Delivery of DD + 15 days


Component 1 progress report




Note on Concept design for RP Kigali and Gishari colleges

Delivery of CD + 7 days


Note on Preliminary Design for RP Kigali and Gishari colleges

Delivery of SD + 7 days


Note on Detailed Design for RP Kigali and Gishari colleges

Delivery of DD + 15 days


TDT Component 1 progress report


Activity B: Support at procurement stage 

The consultant will assist RP and RTB SPIU in the following procurement:

  • Procurement for the supervision firm (Two tenders for RP and one for RTB)
  • Procurement for work (Two tenders for RP and one for RTB)
  • Procurement for goods – equipment and furniture of the schools (tenders for RP colleges and tenders for TVET schools)

The tender documents are divided into:

  • Technical documents for works and goods include drawings, technical specifications and BOQs are reviewed by the consultant in collaboration with the technical teams from RTB and RP during the previous They are prepared by the design consultants.
  • Technical documents for the supervision teams include the ToRs of the supervising consultants. They are prepared by the procuring entity.
  • Administrative documents include instructions to bidders, TECH and FIN forms and draft contracts. They are prepared by the procuring entity of each SPIU based on AFD standard documents.

The consultant will review the administrative documents to ensure the following:

  • The RFP and RFB are compliant with : Rwanda Procurement Law, Procurement Guidelines for AFD-Financed Contracts in Foreign Countries -  October 2019 (AFTER 2) andProcurement Guidelines for AFD-Financed Contracts in Foreign Countries -  February 2024 (TDT)
  • The RFBincludes the Environmental, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) Criteria in the Bidding Documents for Procurement of Works required by AFD.
  • The RFBsubdivision of work and the qualifications and eligibility criteria are consistent with the expected level of quality of the projects

The tender committee for the procurement of these tenders will be done by RP and RTB procuring entities, with the technical support of the design consultant if required.

The consultant will participate in the tender evaluation when approved by RP or RTB or review the documents prior to their submission to ensure that AFD guidelines were properly followed (relevancy of the evaluation, eligibility, qualifications, scoring criteria if applicable).



End date


Review of the tender for work for RP colleges

From preparation to validation of the documents


Review of the tender for work for TVET Schools

From preparation to validation of the documents


Review of the tender for supervision consultant for RP colleges

From preparation to validation of the documents


Review of the tender for supervision consultant for TVET Schools

From preparation to validation of the documents


Review of the tender for good for RP colleges

From preparation to validation of the documents


Review of the tender for good for TVET Schools

From preparation to validation of the documents


Review of the PTC evaluation report for tender for work for RP colleges

2 weeks from the RNoN


Review of the PTC evaluation report for tender for work for TVET Schools

2 weeks from the RNoN


Review of the PTC evaluation report for tender for supervision consultant for RP colleges

2 weeks from the RNoN


Review of the PTC evaluation report for tender consultant for TVET Schools

2 weeks from the RNoN


Review of the PTC evaluation report for tender for good for RP colleges

2 weeks from the RNoN


Review of the PTC evaluation report for tender for good for TVET Schools

2 weeks from the RNoN

Activity C: Support during construction stage

The consultant will support RP & RTB SPIUs in the contract management of contractor for works.

AFTER II construction stage will be divided in the following:

  • Rapid impact project: construction of RP Kitabi and Karongi colleges football fields (from mid-2024 to end-2025)
  • Construction/rehabilitation of RP Kitabi and Karongi colleges and Muhororo and Cyanika TVET Schools (from early 2025 to mid-2027)

TDT is expected to start in January 2025, with process to recruit the design firms to be started by November 2024.

The construction management TA will:

  • Support RP and RTB to develop a clear follow-up protocol with a schedule of meetings, on site and at a higher level with a list of stakeholders to assist.
  • Support the SPIU in the contract management of contractors for works by providing project management monitoring tools such as schedule of activities and definition of deadlines and milestones to be anticipated, etc. The consultant will propose template documents to be used for the project: Service Orders (SO), Site visit report for the project owner, etc.
  • SupportSPIUs to monitor the execution of supervision contracts and works contracts with the use of monitoring tools: Contract Monitoring Table, Works Contract Monitoring Table, Service Order, Summary Report for the Owner and AFD, work schedule, road map for payment of invoices etc.
  • Spot checks on the proper execution of the monthly and final reports due from the supervision team.
  • Support RP and RTB in verifyingthe compliance of the Interim Payment Certificate and Final Payment Certificate prepared by the supervision consultants.
  • Visit the six sites twice a month with the SPIUfocal person, with extra visits during critical periods (set out period and acceptance period), attending site meetings with SPIU construction specialist as an observer and checking that they are running smoothly and according to the work schedule, checking that site log book and any other documents used by the contractor on site are kept up to date, checking the level of quality of the execution of the works and consistency of the works with the technical specifications, checking that the ESHS requirements set out in the work contract are complied with, and any other checks necessary to assess the proper execution of the works contracts.
  • All these checks are summarized in site visit reports, which establish the level of quality and any deficiencies observed. Verify that the processes put in place are followed.
  • Support the acceptance of the works along with the construction specialist and participate in the commissioning of the project.

NB: The supervision firm is responsible for and liable for the quality control of the contractor. The contractor is responsible and liable for the works executed. The construction management TA consultant is not responsible for the quality of the works executed nevertheless, together with the SPIU construction specialist, they may raise any concerns that might impact the delivery of the works in due time, quality and cost.

Based on the observations listed above and the consultant experience on similar projects the consultant will:

  • Identify the sources of difficulties or malfunctions that pose a risk to the smooth delivery of the projects and formulate operational recommendations regarding: the monitoring of the project from SPIU or from supervision team perspective (frequency of site visits by construction specialist, means to put in place to ensure contractors meet deadlines and quality requirements, definition of milestones, optimization of supervision process, etc.)
  • Evaluate the claims and variation prepared by the contractor in a note addressed to the project owner with appropriate recommendations.
  • Participate in certain key strategic meetings aimed at resolving the problems encountered.

The consultant will support the SPIU and EF for the drafting of semi-annual progress reports for both component 1.



End date


Project management and monitoring tool box

Throughout the project


Site visit reports

1 week after the visit


Operational recommendation note

Throughout the project


Review of documents (on demand)

Throughout the project


Report inputs for SPIU report on components 1

Throughout the project


Mrs Cyrielle Cahuzac of the Technical Assistance on the AFTER 2 and TDT projects will be the service provider’s sole contact person for Expertise France Close collaboration must take place with RTB & RP SPIUs personnel from assignment preparation right up to completion. Furthermore, regular exchanges must take place with AFD on assignment progress and any difficulties that may be encountered.

Place, duration and terms of performance

Date and duration of the project

The estimated dates and duration for the activities are:



Commencement of the mission

February 2025

Design and Procurement Stage AFTER 2

July 2024 to end of 2025

Construction Stage AFTER 2

Mid 2025 to Mid-2027

Design and Procurement Stage TDT

January 2025 to Mid-2026

Construction Stage TDT

Mid-2026 to end of 2028

Technical assistance is intermittent depending on the progress and milestones of the project. Site missions are required, especially during the construction stage. The consultant shall be based in Rwanda during the construction stage.

  • Schedule/program:

The provisional program for assignment’s implementation is as follows:




Duration (man/days)

Expert 1


Activity A: Support at design stage

Remote/site mission

February-April 2025


Activity B: Support at procurement stage

Remote/site mission

May – August 2025


Activity C: Support during construction stage

Remote/site mission

September 2025-Mid 2027







Activity A: Support at design stage

Remote/site mission

Early 2025-end 2025


Activity B: Support at procurement stage

Remote/site mission

Early 2026-Mid 2026


Activity C: Support during construction stage

Remote/site mission

Mid 2026 to end 2028






  • Mission

The preferred option is having a resident expert in Rwanda to provide flexibility in the organization of physical meetings and site visits, especially during the construction stage. Nevertheless, for stage A and B, an important part of the review can be done remotely.

Required expertise and profile

  • Number of experts: 1
  • Profile of the designated expert(s) responsible for contract execution

Expertise required

  • Project management of construction project budget >10M€
  • Construction project in sub-Saharan countries
  • Expertise in international donor guidelines and requirements

Qualifications and skills:

  • Holder of a BSc university degree in civil engineering, or Architecture, or construction administration
  • Professional membership in Rwanda or in their respective country
  • Master degree or Chartered status in construction management is an asset

Excellent qualities/capacities in:

  • Communication
  • Teamwork and interpersonal skills
  • Knowledge transfer
  • Analysis and reporting
  • Problem identification and resolution
  • Decision-making and taking initiatives.
  • High proficiency in written and spoken English.

General professional experience

  • Professional experience of at least 10 years in the field of construction management, notably in Africa.
  • Solid understanding of international donor requirements.

Specific professional experience

  • Complete understanding of requirements for design stages both for architectural discipline and technical disciplines (structure, MEP, Civil)
  • Prior experience in construction administration in large construction project (> 8M€) in Africa
  • Prior experience in quantity surveying and cost estimates

Practical information

All applications must be submitted through the Place platform, Consultation reference 24-AOO-S042. Link.   


  • AFTER   Appui à la Formation Technique et à l’Emploi au Rwanda
  • EF   Expertise France  
  • ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
  • ESMP Environmental and Social Management Plan
  • NoN Non-Objection Notice
  • RNoN Request for Non-Objection Notice
  • PTC Procurement Tender Committee
  • RFB Request for bids
  • RFP Request for proposals
  • RP Rwanda Polytechnic
  • RPPA Rwanda Public Procurement Authority
  • RTB Rwanda TVET Board
  • E&S Environmental & Social
  • SO Service order
  • SPIU Single Project Implementation Unit
  • TA Technical Assistance
  • TDT TVET Development for Transformation
  • ToR   Terms of Reference
  • TVET Technical and Vocational Education and Training
Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Saturday, December 30 1899
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 14-11-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 14-11-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 14-11-2070
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