Consultancy job at Duhamic -Adri
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116 Days Ago
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The deadline for submission of bids: Monday November 4, 2024

Bid submission Time: 02:00PM

Bid Opening Time: 02:30PM


DUHAMIC -ADRI is a Kinyarwanda acronym that stands for Duharanira Amajyambere y’Icyaro.

Translating to ‘’ we strive for the development of the rural community ‘’in English. It is a non-profit organization located in Kigali, the capital city of Rwanda, within the kicukiro district, Niboye was established in 1979 by a group of Rwandans who identified the crucial need for rural development in the country.

DUHAMIC-ADRI is a Non-Governmental Organization legally granted by Rwandan law and legally recognized by the Ministerial Order No. 943 of July 12, 1985. Its statutes were amended and accepted by the Ministerial OrderNo.025/11of21th March 2005. With the vision to have « A rural world responsible for its self-socio-economic development », DUHAMIC-ADRI has a mission of « Supporting integrated development through the initiatives of the rural population in their struggle for self-development». DUHAMIC-ADRI’s interventions reaches 27 districts of Rwanda

Project background

DUHAMIC-ADRI in partnership with CARE Rwanda and its implementing partners are implementing the five years Supporting and Enhancing Resilient and Viable Employment Opportunities (SERVE) Project. This project is funded by MasterCard Foundation through the partnership with CARE and focuses on building a resilient, sustainable, gender equitable, and inclusive entrepreneurial environment that increases dignified and fulfilling work opportunities for predominantly female youth in agricultural value chains in 10 districts across Rwanda, namely Rulindo, Gakenke, Nyabihu, Rubavu, Rwamagana, Kayonza, Kirehe, Ngoma, and Huye.

The project supports MSE owners and high-potential entrepreneurs to start and/ grow their businesses sustainably to create employment opportunities for more youth. It strengthens market-oriented agricultural skills that increase productivity and diversity in response to market needs and opportunities, all using market systems approaches, good agronomy practices and sustainable climate-smart principles. The project targets youth aged between 18 and 35 years and 70% of them must be women, 3% persons with disabilities and 3% refugees engaged in or with the potential to engage in micro and small agricultural enterprises (SMEs).systems approaches, good agronomy practices and sustainable climate-smart principles. The project targets youth aged between 18 and 35 years and 70% of them must be women, 3% persons with disabilities and 3% refugees engaged in or with the potential to engage in micro and small agricultural enterprises (SMEs).


The main objective of the assignment is to conduct a detailed market analysis for the four SERVE prioritized value chains with a major focus on:

  • Assessing Market Demand:Identify current and projected demand trends for chili, poultry, tomatoes and fresh beans in Rulindo, Gakenke, Nyabihu, Rubavu, Rwamagana, Kayonza, Ngoma, Kirehe, Huye and Nyamagabe districts.
  • Evaluating Competition:Analyze the competitive landscape, including local and regional producers.
  • Supply Chain Analysis:Examine the supply chain to identify key players and bottlenecks in the 4 prioritized value chains.
  • Consumer Preferences:Investigate consumer preferences regarding poultry products, including organic or conventional options.
  • Price and Quality Assessment: Analyze price points and quality standards required by different market segments for the 4 SERVE prioritized value chains.
  • Export Opportunities:Identify potential export markets for fresh beans and understand regulatory requirements.

Scope of Work

The hired consultancy firm will conduct a comprehensive market analysis to identify market gaps and propose practical solutions for addressing those gaps on local, regional and international markets.

The selected consultant firm will be expected to undertake the following tasks:

Data Collection & Analysis:

  • Gather primary and secondary data on production, processing, and marketing of each of the four prioritized value chains namely chili, tomato, fresh-beam and poultry in respective 10 districts of interventions;
  • Analyze supply and demand dynamics for chili, fresh beans, poultry, and tomatoes.

Market Gap Identification:

  • Identify gaps in the existing market chains that affect competitiveness, quality, and accessibility for local producers for the four targeted value chains.
  • Identify market gaps on both the supply and demand sides.
  • Highlight key areas where improvement is needed to meet market standards and maximize the value of each product within the identified value chains.

 Market Opportunities:

  • Identify market trends, price fluctuations, and consumer preferences.
  • Assess competitive landscapes and market opportunities at local, regional, and international levels.

Propose Solutions and Strategies:

  • Propose modalities to overcome these gaps and ensure sustainable and reliable markets.
  • Prepare a detailed report with actionable insights and recommendations.
  • Propose practical interventions for stakeholders, including local producers, cooperatives, youth farmers groups including the young farmers from the refugees’ camps,exporters, and government agencies

Tender Procedure


The consultant is expected to deliver the following:

Inception report outlining the work plan, methodology and timelines.

Comprehensive Market Analysis Report: Findings on market gaps and opportunities, including a detailed assessment for each prioritized value chain;

Draft report for review indicating:

  • Market gaps and proposed practical solutions for addressing those gaps on local, regional and international levels.
  • Supply and demand dynamics for chili, fresh beans, poultry, and tomatoes value chains in each respective zone (districts in the same province) and suggest possible entry points for SERVE interventions.
  • Market trends, price fluctuations, and consumer preferences in line with the SERVE prioritized value chains.
  • Competitive landscapes and market opportunities at local, regional, and international levels.

Final report and its Presentation will enclose the summary of key findings and recommendations which will be presented to DUHAMIC-ADRI team, for partners and stakeholders for review, validation and approval.


This work is expected to take 25 days starting from the day of contract signing.


The consultancy firm must have:

  • A dedicated team with strong and proven education background in Agribusiness, and agriculture economics; statistics or related field
  • Solid experience in agriculture market supply chains systems,
  • Proven experience in conducting the similar task,
  • Strong analytical and report-writing skills,
  • Demonstrated ability to engage with diverse stakeholders.

Evaluation criteria

Proposals will be evaluated based on the following:


Criteria description


Consultant’s experience and qualifications.

  • The applicant or his employees (At least 5 team members) fulfilled the following qualifications:  with Master’s degree or Bachelor’s degree in agriculture or Agribusiness, Agriculture economics, and other related fields.
  • The team leader should hold a master’s degree in agriculture economics or Agri-business with a minimum of five years’ experience in value chains development and market systems.
  • Commitment letters of at least 3 team members (team leader and other key experts) who will be leading this assignment. Their changes will require prior approval from DUHAMIC-ADRI

Note: CVs for the mentioned qualifications are required and each team member should have at least 3 years of experience in Agribusiness, Agriculture economics, statistics and value chain financing.


Proven experience in conducting similar work and reference checks

  • Demonstrated extensive experience of at least 5 years in conducting agriculture value chains and markets systems analysis.  
  • Provide at least 3 similar references from the recognized agencies (INGOs, NGO or Governmental agencies) of work performed under consultancy that can verify the applicant’s ability to deliver quality work efficiently and in an organized fashion (Good completion certificates indicating the work accomplished or contracts signed indicating the persons for references for similar works).


Relevance and quality of the technical proposal.

  • Proposes a reasonable, detailed, clear work plan and methodology of 3-4 pages describing how the applicant will complete the study and tasks outlined in point 4 of this concept note (high sounding innovations are highly welcome).
  • The applicant should develop a clear methodology that demonstrates that he/she understands the assignment and illustrates very well how the assignment is going to be executed.
  • Demonstrates good report writing and communication skills as well as ability to compose clear, compelling written documents in English.
  • The workplan should demonstrate how the work shall be completed within 25 calendar days and take into consideration the specific Rwanda context and demonstrates familiarity with proposed research, analysis and associated tasks to achieve results.


Cost-effectiveness of the financial proposal.

Reasonableness and allowability of proposed cost relative to the above-mentioned qualification requirements and level of assignment.

Consultancies are expected to submit a detailed financial proposal, breaking down costs for:

  • Personnel and team costs.
  • Research tools and resources.
  • Travel and logistics (if required).
  • Any other relevant expenses
  • All taxes included (to be indicated)




Application Process

Interested consultants are invited to submit their proposals, including the following:

  • A cover letter outlining their relevant experience and qualifications.
  • A technical proposal detailing the approach and timeline.
  • A financial proposal outlining the detailed costs.
  • CVs of at least 5key personnel with relevant experience.
  • Quotation/ Budget breakdown of the work with all cost included (Transport, taxes, all taxes included etc)
  • Commitment letter indicating that the bidder will be able to complete the works within 25 days starting from the date of contract signing;
  • Taxe clearance certificate
  • RSSB tax clearance
  • Proof of using EBM
  • Having conducted similar or related activities, demonstrated by at least 3 certificates of good completion issued the recognized NGOs or recognized institutions
  • The joint venture is not accepted for this specific consultancy

Bids will be submitted in a sealed envelope and addressed to the Executive Secretary of DUHAMIC-ADRI at Kicukiro head office no later than Monday, November 4, 2024 at 02:00PM

The public opening of bids is scheduled on the same day at 02:30PM at the headquarters of DUHAMIC-ADRI.

Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Monday, November 04 2024
Duty Station: Rwanda
Posted: 29-10-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 29-10-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 29-10-2070
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