Construction Company to Construct Two Drying Sheds and Toilets for Nyabicwamba and Mushishito Marshland Farmers’ Cooperatives tender at DUHAMIC-ADRI
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Tender Title: Hiring a construction company to construct two Drying Sheds and toilets for Nyabicwamba and Mushishito Marshland Farmers’ Cooperatives


Deadline for submission of bids: November 20, 2024 at 11:00 AM (Kigali Time).

Public tender Opening time: 11:30 AM (Kigali Time).

Location: DUHAMIC-ADRI Headquarters (Kicukiro, Niboye)

Context and background

Brief description of Climate-Smart Agriculture Project

Since July 2024, DUHAMIC-ADRI has partnered with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) through a signed Partnership Framework Agreement (PFA) to implement Phase II of the Climate-Smart Agriculture and Market Development for Enhancing Livelihoods of Refugees and their Host Communities in Rwanda.

The Climate-Smart Agriculture initiative aims to improve food security and self-reliance for 2,036 beneficiaries (732 refugee and 1,304 host community households, including 1,091 women and 945 men). By 2026, this project will benefit over 7,851 family members through climate-smart agricultural practices and a market development approach.

Specifically, the partnership focuses on contributing to achieving the following outcomes of the project: Outcome 1: Increased Agricultural Productivity and Outcome 2: Increased Household Income.


Agricultural production in Nyabicwamba and Mushishito marshlands faces challenges due to limited infrastructure for post-harvest management, leading to significant crop losses. Climate variability further exacerbates these issues, making traditional sun-drying techniques insufficient during rainy seasons. The construction of drying sheds will provide Nyabicwamba and Mushishito farmers with protected spaces to dry their produce, thereby improving crop quality, reducing post-harvest losses, and aligning with Climate-Smart Agriculture practices aimed at sustainability and resilience.

The drying sheds will support both marshland cooperatives by enabling efficient drying and safe storage conditions, essential for maintaining quality and marketability. Additionally, by incorporating climate-smart technologies, this project promotes adaptation to climate impacts, ensuring long-term benefits for the marshland communities.


Main Objective:

To improve post-harvest management and reduce crop losses through the construction of climate-resilient drying sheds for Nyabicwamba and Mushishito marshland cooperatives.

Specific Objectives:

  • Provide secure, weather-resistant drying facilities to reduce crop loss and improve quality.
  • Enhance the cooperative’s capacity to manage and sustain post-harvest infrastructure.
  • Promote climate-smart practices by introducing covered, ventilated drying structures that protect crops from unpredictable weather patterns.

Project Activities

Site setting out and Preparation

  • Set and select suitable locations/ position within identified plot land to be used for the construction of drying shed.
  • Clear and level the land to ensure stable foundation for each drying shed.

Construction of Drying Sheds

  • Procure materials that ensure durability and sustainability (e.g., galvanized steel, treated wood).
  • Engage project stakeholder for shed construction while ensuring quality control.

Training and Capacity Building

  • Conduct training sessions for cooperative members on maintenance, optimal usage, and safety of drying sheds.
  • Train cooperative leaders on record-keeping and cost management for future repair or expansion needs.

Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Conduct regular monitoring to track the construction progress and ensure adherence to technical specifications.
  • Implement post-construction evaluations to assess the drying sheds’ impact on crop preservation and cooperatives’ operational efficiency.

Project location

  • Mushishito marshland is located UWUNKINGI and KIBIRIZI sectors of Nyamagabe District, in the Southern Province of Rwanda.
  • Nyabicwamba marshland is located in Nyabicwamba Cell in GATSIBO Sector of GATSIBO District. It is bounded by the villages Byebare, Rucumbo, Kaduha, and kigama.

Expected Outcomes

  1. Reduced Post-Harvest Losses: Protected drying facilities will minimize crop spoilage, especially during adverse weather, leading to increased income for farmers.
  2. Improved Crop Quality and Marketability: Crops dried in controlled environments will have better quality, ensuring better prices in the market.
  3. Enhanced Cooperative Capacity: The training sessions will empower cooperatives with skills for maintaining and managing post-harvest infrastructure.
  4. Sustainable Climate Adaptation: Adoption of climate-smart infrastructure will reduce farmers’ vulnerability to climate variability.

General Specifications and performance Requirements

General considerations

On the technical view point and before any execution, the Contractor in charge of the implementation of the works in the present project should have full knowledge of all the specific parts of the work specified in the whole of document that form in all a homogeneous and complete work. This implies that all works and supplies must be completed in a perfect manner.

In a way to avoid other contention the contractor shall inform the client representative or consultant firm, in a separate note to his/her Bid, all mistakes, omission or contradiction sighted in the document during studies. In case of omissions in the description of certain particular works, the contractor shall in all cases execute all necessary works to the perfect completion.

This tender is divided in two (2) lots:

Lot1.Construction of drying shed and toilet for Nyabicwamba marshland farmers' cooperatives

Lot2. Construction of drying shed and toilet for Mushishito marshland farmers' cooperatives

Note: Bidders are allowed to bid for all lots however none is allowed to be awarded the two

Work site sign board

At the entry of the site, the contractor shall install, in the 10 days following the date of the opening of the work site, project identifying sign. Its exact location is determined after agreement between the Client and beneficiaries on the issue.

This work includes manufacturing and installing sign board on adequate foundations.

The measurements of the sign board shall be 1.20 m x 2.40 m and supports shall be in metal hollow sections with buttresses well fixed in soil. The text, (nonrestrictive) shall be painted in black or in dark brown on white background and shall read notably:

Logo of project implementing agencies and stakeholders: To be specified during contract


During Works execution

The contractor shall sign out all expenses, materials and other equipment’s or plans and diagrams that he judges necessary for the perfect execution of the works. These documents shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval who replies in 5 days following the receipt of the requests.

All details of supplies leading to the performance of principle plans must be submitted inevitably for approval by the engineer before the beginning of works execution, he shall always make sure that he gives his reactions in 8 days’ time. The contractor shall not ask for any prolongation or compensation in terms of time for any modification he will have been asked to do. The contractor must always present to the client for testing and approval any material or equipment before they are put to use.


The Contractor must always know the working environment and should adhere to the existing laws, should always adhere to the conditions of the security and police. The contractor shall always be liable to any losses caused by fire and shall always be responsible for the entire security of the site.


The contractor shall be responsible for all the water consumption at the site during construction. The water used for construction and preparation of construction materials shall respected the acceptable standards for construction in Rwanda.

Access to the Site

The utilization of the existing routes by trucks and by other equipment’s should not cause any nuisances to the environment (dusts, noises, ruts etc.). All deterioration of surface caused to the adjacent works shall be repaired to the expense of the contractor.

Implantation of works

All the Works and parts of works implantation will be done by the contractor and at his/her expenses. Before commencement of works execution or implantation, the contractor shall begin by a sub – implantation in order to verify the leveling of the land and inform the client of any possible inaccuracy. The representative of the client should first verify the implantation before works execution commences. A statement to the implantation shall be pronounced and given to the contractor. Before all beginning of works, the enterprise must precise in the presence of the engineer, the pegging defining the time of works on the basis of data provided by the engineer: bench mark, origin of each intervention zone. He will be responsible for all accidents and should always endeavor to prevent them.

Utilization of materials

Materials to be used should be in conformity with the norms and laws in Rwanda and should conform to the present tender document. The conditions stipulated here shall always be considered as the required minimum required for the implementation of the works.

Environment Protection

The contractor must respect the norms and prescriptions in relation to environment protection. On this note he is supposed to remove all garbage and unused materials out of the site and deposited far away in conformity with environmental regimes.

Consistence of unit prices

The contractor should be well versed with the conditions that would influence the execution of the works especially:

  • The nature and the quality of soils and grounds,
  • The conditions of transport and access to the site,
  • The water and rain regimes in the region,
  • The conditions of accessing water to the site,
  • Any other particular conditions relative to the present site.

The non-skilled labor to be employed and local builders shall be the residents in the sector where the works are being implemented

The unit prices of the present tender cover all the contractor’s expenses, without any exceptions, in order to achieve the total completion of the foreseen works, this includes, the profit as well as other rights, taxes, general expenses, and all expenses done in Rwanda as a result of this work, mainly,

  • All expenses (wages, social security funds, holidays, lodgings, transport etc), of supplies, renting, depreciation of equipment and upkeep of the material,
  • All expenses for the edible matters bought in Rwanda or abroad, materials for site implantation and quarries
  • All insurances of any nature, access to quarries, repair of roads, laboratory expenses, storage of materials. Prices also include expenses of site debarking and any other cost that is not to be incurred by the client.

Involvement of the local community in execution works

During the construction Work, the contractor will have to work closely with the local community of the place. In order to ensure the sustainability of the infrastructure, the contractor will have to involve the community, particularly the farmers committee members in the execution works as the manpower.

  • Implementation Timeline

The Construction of each drying shed and toilet is expected to take not more than 30 calendar days up signing of the contract.

  • Tender requirement


Offer shall be prepared in English. Please submit your offer using the Annexes provided. Offers not conforming to the requested formats may be not taken into consideration. Offer shall comprise the following two sets of documents:

Technical offer:

Technical offer should be concisely presented and structured in the following order to include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following information:

  1. Company’s profile and qualifications

Description of your company with the following documents: Company profile, registration certificate and last audit reports:

  1. Proposed personnel to carry out the assignment

The composition of the dedicated team you propose, their qualifications and experience. degree& Curriculum Vitae of core staff/Engineers.

 Key personnel’s

  1. Team leader (1) Should be civil engineer and hold a bachelor degree in civil engineering with experience of 5 years and registered in recognized professional bodies, should have conducted at least three similar assignments
  2. Site Technician (2) Should be holding A1 or A2 in in civil engineering or public works respectively with experience of at least 7 years and at least three similarly assignment
  3. Understanding of the requirements for the project, proposed approach, solutions, methodology and outputs: Any comments or suggestions on the BoQ, drawings, as well as your detailed description of the way your company would respond to the project:
  • A description of your organization’s capacity to execute the tasks
  • A description of your organization’s experience in construction

Financial offer:

Separate Financial Offer must contain an overall offer in a single currency, Rwanda francs (RWF). The financial offer must cover all goods and services to be provided (price “all tax inclusive”). The Financial Offer is to be submitted as per the Financial Offer Form (Annex).

DUHAMIC-ADRI will not provide any advance payments or payments by letter of credit.


Each proposal from a Bidder will be considered separately and independently. Bidders shall submit a complete proposal for each solicitation in which they wish to participate. References to previous or on-going proposals will be not considered. Award of a previous contract with DUHAMIC-ADRI will not be considered as a preference or guarantee for the award of future solicitations on the same subject.

Technical and Financial evaluation:

For the award of this project, the evaluation criteria which govern the selection of offers received. Evaluation is made on a technical and financial basis.

The percentage assigned to each component is determined in advance as follows:

The Technical offer will be evaluated using the following criteria and percentage distribution: 70% from the total score (60 points of 100 points).

Technical Evaluation Criteria

Percentage (%)

Eligibility (mandatory requirements, that a company must meet for evaluation)


Company profile (capacity/qualifications)


Qualification of the proposed staff, equipment, and reporting structure


Experience on similar services


Work plan, site management and assessments


Technical requirements for works




The Total score will be calculated according to the percentage distribution for the technical and financial offers.

The Financial offer will be 30% from the total score. The financial component will be analyzed only for those suppliers that pass the technical evaluation.

Submission of Bid

The offers must bear the official letter head, clearly identifying the company. Interested company with relevant experiences and who meet the above criteria should submit their technical proposal and a financial proposal detailing the professional fees, reimbursable, and VAT; by November 20, 2024 at 11:00 AM at DUHAMIC-ADRI Head Office located in Niboye Sector-Kicukiro District.

  1. Submission Requirements:
  • Bidders are required to submit their offers in one main sealed envelope. This main envelope must contain two separate sealed envelopes:
  • Envelope A: Technical Proposal
  • Envelope B: Financial Proposal
  1. Opening of Proposals:

Technical Proposal Opening:

  • The technical proposals (Envelope A) will be opened first in a public session on 20th November 2024 at DUHAMIC-ADRI OFFICE 11:00 AM
  • During this session, only the technical proposals will be evaluated based on the criteria outlined in the bidding documents and the financial proposal will remain sealed and returned in the bid box in the front of every participant.

Financial Proposal Opening:

  • Only bidders whose technical proposals meet the required standards and are shortlisted will be invited to the opening of the financial proposals (Envelope B).
  • The financial proposals of the shortlisted bidders will be opened in a separate public session. The date, time, and location of the financial proposal opening will be communicated to the shortlisted bidders.
  • Bidders not shortlisted in the technical evaluation (less than 70% mark of the total technical score) will not have their financial proposals opened, and their financial proposals will be returned unopened.
  1. Confidentiality:
  • All information provided by bidders will be treated as confidential. The procurement process will be conducted in a transparent manner to ensure fairness and competitiveness.

Site visit: Mandatory

The mandatory site visit is planned on 13th and 14th November 2024 from 10:00 to 13:00 PM for Nyabicwamba (contact person phone number :0788633135) and Mushishito (contact person phone number :0783158706) respectively.

The site visits will allow the bidder to have a picture of the work and explore existing opportunities and limitations which will allow him or her to make reasonable cost proposal based on expected quality of works and limited timeline to complete the work.

All bidders must carry out this mandatory field visit. The costs of visiting the site shall be at the bidder’s own expense. If the procuring entity decides to re-advertise the tender, it may not require the second site visit to those who had visited before unless there are reasons for the second site visit.

  1. Qualifications and Experience of the bidder

The bidder should have at least 2 years of general experience in construction works and should have worked the similar assignment with amount greater or equal to Ninety million (90,000,000 Rwf) Rwandan Francs in last two years in the sector of agriculture project such as drying sheds, silos, or barns, with a proven track record of managing construction project from design to completion while ensuring quality control, adherence to timelines, and budget management. A portfolio of completed project and client references should be available to demonstrate their experience and capability.

Composition of the tender offer

The bidding company for this tender will present the offer made by:

  1. Application letter addressed to the Executive Secretary of DUHAMIC-ADRI;
  2. Copy of Certificate of Domestic Company Registration from the Rwanda Development Board (RDB)
  3. Copy of tax clearance certificate issued by RRA.
  4. Commitment letter addressed to the executive Secretary of DUHAMIC-ADRI to respect the given timeline. The applicant shall commit to finish the assignment in a period of 30 calendar days counted from the contract signing.
  5. Bid guaranty of at least 5% of the proposed bids (bank or insurance).
  6. Financial capacity proven by current bank statement or credit line equivalent or more than the proposed bids;
  7. 3 certificates of good completion with their contracts for similar assignments

Safeguarding and Anti-Corruption clauses

The consultancy firm/ consultant will be responsible to observe and respect the DUHAMIC-ADRI code of conduct, ethical, protection and safeguarding policies and will hire and retreat with dignity, transparency and equity all staff and team members in different levels including business mentors and coaches.

DUHAMIC-ADRI treat all people with dignity and respect and takes a zero tolerance on harassment, harm, sexual-abuse, exploitation, child labor, and human trafficking and any other conduct that is discriminatory or disrespectful to others. DUHAMIC-ADRI don’t tolerate any form of corruption.

During the execution of the contract, the consultancy firm/ consultant and its staff will be bounded by DUHAMIC-ADRI Values and approved polices where among them are the following:

- DUHAMIC-ADRI Safeguarding and Child protection policy

- DUHAMIC-ADRI Prevention of Sexual Harassment, Exploitation and Abuse at work policy.

- DUHAMIC-ADRI Gender and non-discrimination policy.

 Moreover, the consultancy firm/ consultant has to ensure the regular payment of its staff to avoid complaints and the negative side effect for DUHAMIC-ADRI image and its partners. DUHAMIC-ADRI will have rights and responsibilities to monitor and crosscheck if the terms and conditions for the consultancy team members are followed and mutually respected.

 At any time DUHAMIC-ADRI has the rights to check whether your organization complies with the safeguarding and protection procedures and take an appropriate action.

Done at Kigali on November 6,2024


Executive secretary

Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Thursday, November 14 2024
Duty Station: kigali
Posted: 07-11-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 07-11-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 07-11-2070
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