Short Term National DACUM Experts to Facilitate the Development of Two Level 5 Curricula: “Plumbing Technology” and “Public Works” tender at Expertise France
455 Days Ago
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Terms of Reference

Recruitment of DACUM Expert to facilitate the development of two level 5 curricula - “Plumbing Technology” and “Public works”

Activity code: 2.1.2

Venue: to be defined

Date: From 15 Jan to 30 May 2024 

  1. Project description

The Government of Rwanda and Agence Française de Développement (AFD) signed 5 years grant/loan agreements on 8th March 2023 to implement AFTER II Project (Appui à la Formation Technique et l'Emploi au Rwanda). AFTER Il aims to improve technical and vocational education and learning conditions in order to strengthen the skills of youth in line with labor market requirements.

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Project management will be provided by two contracting authorities: Rwanda Polytechnic (RP) for IPRC-related interventions, and Rwanda TV ET Board (RTB) for TVET schools-related interventions, through their respective Single Projects Implementation Unit (SPIU).

Expertise France will provide technical assistance to the project implementation. Short and long-term expertise are mobilized on the basis of a technical offer validated by AFD, with the agreement of the Rwandan party.

On the side of RP, the beneficiary sites are IPRC Karongi and IPRC Kitabi located in Karongi and Nyamagabe Districts. On the side of RTB, the beneficiary sites are Muhororo and Cyanika TVET Schools located in Karongi and Nyamagabe Districts.

AFTER II project is divided into 4 main components and 2 cross-cutting components:

  • Component 1: The IPRC Kitabi and Karongi and TVET schools of Cyanika and Muhororo campuses are expanded, modernised and environmentally friendly
  • Component 2: The training offer in the IPRC Kitabi and Karongi and TVET schools of Cyanika and Muhororo is strengthened and more attractive
  • Component 3: The link between TVET providers and the private sector is strengthened, and employment and entrepreneurship support mechanisms are more efficient
  • Component 4: The quality and leadership of RP and RTB as institutions in the TVET sector are reinforced
  • Cross-cutting component 5: The TVET programs are more gender responsive and inclusive and specifically address dropouts of the general education
  • Cross-cutting component 6: Greening TVET – TVET programs provide youth with green skills and competencies for sustainable economic growth 
  1. Objectives 

2.1 General Objective

The main objective of this activity is to review the RQF Level 5 curricula in Plumbing Technology and Public works trades as per the Rwanda CBC development framework and adapt them to the labour markets need.

2.2 Specific objectives

  1. Conduct needs assessment
  2. Develop occupational standards
  3. Design the curriculum
  4. Develop training organisational guides
  5. Validate the developed curriculum 
  1. Deliverables 

Expertise France is supporting Rwanda TVET Board in the AFTER II project implementation. In this framework, Expertise France will recruit two short term national DACUM experts or a company with 2 DACUM Experts to support in the development of two curricula for Rwanda TVET Board. These curricula are Level 5 in Plumbing Technology and Level 5 in public works. 

The short-term national DACUM experts/Company to develop these curricula will work under the supervision of the Component manager at Expertise France

The DACUM Expert for each curriculum shall deliver the following: 

  • Participate in preparatory activities/meetings/workshops
  • Facilitate workshops to develop occupational standards:
  • Develop Vertical mobility chart of the training
  • Develop occupational profile
  • Develop competence standards
  • Moderate internal validation of occupational standards
  • Provide internally validated occupational standards  
  • Coordinate the process of curriculum design and prepare reports
  • Develop the basic information
  • Develop qualification details
  • Develop training packages
  • Develop module content
  • Develop training organizational guide
  • Provide a well-designed curriculum which meets standards of CBT/CBA and TVET CBC framework
  • Moderate the Proofreading of the developed curriculum
  • Prepare required documents for validation and accreditation process
  • Facilitate validation and accreditation workshops and prepare reports
  • Provide a final version of curriculum to be validated and accredited by NESA 
  1. Requested profile 

The experts should possess the following: 

  • University degree (master’s) in curriculum development/DACUM and/or instructional materials development/or a relevant field.
  • Being certified by a recognized body or institution as a DACUM Facilitator.
  • At least 5 years of experience in developing competency-based TVET curricula or/and other training materials.
  • At least 5 years of experience in competency-based DACUM facilitation/moderation.
  • Having facilitated the development of at least 3 competence Based curriculum programs.
  • Having a good experience in the latest CBT/CBA and TVET CBC development framework.
  • Having the ability to deliver on time and meet professional quality standards.
  • Having organizational skills and the ability to work independently.
  • Should be fluent in English (very good verbal and written communication skills)
  • Fluency in Kinyarwanda is also required.
  • Should have excellent computer literacy skills.


  • Company profile and CV’s of experts has to be submitted in case a company is applying. 
  1. Calendar

The assignment for each Expert will be carried out over a period of 45 working days under which 39 working days are for workshops and 6 working days are for preparation and reporting. The assignment will take place from January 2024 to May 2024 following the below presented breakdown:

1. Occupational standards development




Output of the workshops



Job analysis workshop


Vertical mobility chart

15-17 Jan 2024


Occupational analysis workshop


Occupational profile

18-24 Jan 2024

11 Days of break for proofreading and adjustment of developed DACUM charts and sharing them to validation team

25 Jan-04 Feb 2024


Internal validation of occupational profile


Validated occupational profile

05- Feb -24


Competence analysis workshop


Competence standards

06 -13 Feb 2024

5 Days of break for proofreading and adjustment of developed competence standards reports and sharing them to validation team

14-18 Feb 2024


Internal validation of occupational standards


Validated occupational standards

19 Feb-24




2. Curriculum design







Curriculum design workshop


* Basic Information
*Qualification details
*Training Package
* Modules Contents 

20-28 Feb 24


Training organisation Guide Workshop


Training Organisation Guide

29Feb-07 Mar 24




3. Curriculum validation and Accreditation







Validation Workshop


Validation report

18 - 22 Mar 24


Accreditation Workshop


Accreditation report

25 - 29 Mar 24




How to apply 

Please note that application documents should be sent to  The deadline for application is 15/12/2023.

Application documents should contain a CV, cover letter and relevant certificates.

Kindly note that Expertise France will not be able to notify all the applicants. Only candidates who have been selected will be contacted for an interview before final selection. 

Job Info
Job Category: Accounting/ Finance jobs in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Tuesday, December 19 2023
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 05-12-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 05-12-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 05-12-2066
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